The White Family to Mexico
Tim, Crystal, Kyndall and Chloe White
Missionaries through Christ

We are a missionary family dedicated to spreading love, faith, hope and the Word of God in Mexico. We believe in the power of God's Word and strive to inspire hearts through our actions. Our mission is to bring God's grace to the community, and share the message of hope with everyone we encounter.
Click the button below to read our Statement of Faith.

Honoring God Through Service
You have heard of being the hands and feet of Jesus, but we also serve with our voices and our hearts. Jesus met people where they were and ministered to their needs both physical and spiritual. We should strive to follow this example with all of the talents and abilities that God blesses us with.
From working on a home to make it safe, to singing and encouraging worship, we want to serve the people of Mexico. Tending to the needs of the community is on our hearts. Whether it is finding ways to minister to children, fellowship and feed those who may be in need, or helping the pastors of the surrounding churches get Bibles for people in their congregation, we want to show this community that not only do we care for them, but God cares about them deeply and loves them beyond what they can even fathom.
We want God to be glorified in all we do which is why 1 Corinthians 10:31 has become our mission verse. We are excited to serve the Lord where he has sent us and in so doing serve the people of Mexico.
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31 kjv